
Where to Watch




Book one followed a family of sadistic butchers, living in the backcountry, who see anyone that crosses their path as dead meat. In “Butchers Book Two: Raghorn,” the story continues when an accident leaves the captors in the hands of brutal cannibals who plan to hack them up for meat.

CAST: Nick Biskupek, Sam Huntsman, Mark Templin, Michael Swatton, Hollie Kennedy, Dan Molson , Nathan Bailey, Miguel Cortez, and Corgand Svendsen.

Director:  Adrian Langley

Writer: Adrian Langley and Kolin Casagrande



The Cast And Crew from the premier of Raghorn in Ottawa, Ontario

Last night, Ottawa welcomed the much-anticipated premiere of Butchers Book 2: Raghorn with open arms, and I was fortunate enough to be a part of it. In the film, I portray Wilbur Jenkins, a character who may have a small role but serves as a crucial catalyst for the sheriff’s journey.

This was my first movie and first premier, so the Butcher franchise will hold a special place in my heart.  I can’t thank Director/Writer Adrian Langley enough for putting me in his film.  Now let’s talk about the film.

Raghorn, to me, is an homage to great movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, and Wrong Turn, while creating a place of its own.  The movie is just an old-school backwoods horror movie, and I love it.  As a horror fan, I would love to see more gritty movies like this one.

There are a couple of scenes that some might find disturbing…but hey it’s a horror movie!

Be sure to watch the first movie in the trilogy Butchers!